comprehensive lesson plan 3
You will create a comprehensive lesson plan to teach a fundamental skill for an early childhood physical education class (Pre-K to 3rd grade) by revising and adding to the plan you created in Week Two(FOUND BELOW). Start by reviewing and assessing that the skill(s) in your lesson plan are developmentally appropriate by visiting SHAPE America (Links to an external site.) page.
Your lesson plan should include the following components (note that Sections 1 and 2 are the same as the Week Two lesson plan; just be sure to include revisions and changes).
- Title Page
- Section 1: Lesson Information
- Grade level (specify age/grade)
- Estimated level of developmental stage for this age/grade
- Number of students
- Fundamental skill to be taught
- State standard (see the list of PE standards (Links to an external site.)and indicate which state)
- Section 2: Lesson Introduction
- Provide a brief description of the lesson
- Create a student learning objective (e.g. “As result of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate _________â€)
- Describe your system for classroom management and student grouping (e.g. class rules, consequences, rewards, and organization of the class during the activity)
- Describe the equipment needed and the environment (e.g. classroom, gym, outdoors, etc.)
- Section 3: Lesson Procedure
Create a script for what the teacher would say while teaching the lesson and describe the following:
- Introducing the lesson
- Safety concerns, rules, and protocols to follow during the lesson
- Teaching the skill and the method of assessment (refer to the lesson objective; how will you assess mastery of this skill?)
- Section 4: Home-School Connection
Create a flyer or email that you would use to communicate to parents. It should explain at least one activity that the family could do at home that would reinforce the skill taught in the lesson.
- Section 5: Lesson Accommodations
Identify modifications and adaptations for each of the following scenarios:
- Inclusion of a child with a physical disability (e.g. a child who uses a wheelchair)
- The event of inclement weather or an altered schedule that forces you to change your location. Choose a different location to discuss (e.g. a smaller classroom as opposed to a gym)
- Several children from a different grade are temporarily joining this class for this particular lesson
- Reference page
Include five to seven outside resources.
Your title page, lesson plan, and reference page should be in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. The lesson plan must be five to six pages in length, in addition to the title and reference pages.
Additional Planning Resources: When researching lesson plans, the following resources are helpful. These should be used as resources only and should not be copied and pasted (Turnitin will detect any plagiarism):
- Foundations of Moving and Learning
- Chapter 7 – Planning Physical Education Lessons
- Appendix A – Sample lesson plans
- Appendix B – Sample lesson plans
- Mr. Gym (Links to an external site.) (
- PE Central (Links to an external site.) (
Section 1
The students involved in this are in the 2nd grade level. The age in this stage is 7 and 8 years. For a lot of students in this level time of bounds and leaps in PE classes. It is easy to see them grow up and get ready in taking bigger challenges.In developmental stage for this level the students ought to start showing ways in refining their physical skills. This involves fine motor control as well as improvement in stamina. The student gains strength in small and big muscles. This means that the students are able to play and be active for longer times and not get tired. Also the students use small muscles in the hands better and use them in activities such as handwriting, manipulating things such as shoelaces and zippers and also scissor skills. Lastly the students can also run further and for longer. The class will include 40 students who would be taught fundamental skills such as movement skills. The students should be able to jump a self-twirled rope, should demonstrate on skills to perform basic rhythmic skills without help demonstrate and utilize the most efficient and safe movements like jumping and safe landing and lastly demonstrate strategies for easy games and activities.
Fundamental Childhood Skills
Section 2
Description of the Lesson Plan
My long term target is to provide the most inclusive fundamental skills in Physical Education to the 2nd-grade children who in turn are in their early childhood stages. The kids need to have attained a minimum age of seven but not exceeding eight years. One will automatically find my lesson plan relevant starting from the P.E games and other activities offered in the program for the 2nd-grade level. The idea reveals thoughts on the P.E evaluation, thoughts during the field days, the proposal of appropriate and readily available equipment helpful for their body exercise hence meeting the expectations at the particular level. The lesson comfortably accommodates a substantial number of the children, say a hundred due to enough resources to utilize at the institution. All in all, the essential skill that the lesson will promote for the kids is their ability to perform some physical activities while in the field.
Student Learning Objective
At the end of the lesson, each individual will be able to relate class learnings concerning standards, theories, strategies, and tricks related to movement and performance; according to the (National Standards, 2013) requirements. The whole body movement includes the motor skills; at the end of the learning, the child will have gained the skills and improved significantly in balancing. Again, the kid will be able to incorporate the different types of movement easily. For instance, be able to jump and catch a moving ball with utmost accuracy without any struggle. The lesson plan will facilitate for the children at the specified age limit to exercise at least for about sixty minutes as a requirement with the United States Department of Health and Human Services. The lesson will undoubtedly meet all the expectations regarding the P.E, giving the participants an upper hand in fitness.
System for Classroom Management and Student Grouping
Studies show that the majority of the school children miss out the physical activities by making fake excuses, sickness, and injuries frequently (Waite, 2017). My lesson plan will outline rules and obligations to address such situations and ensure hardly any student is left out of the healthy and relevant moments of the exercises in the field. In the plan, I will incorporate a fun activity at the end of the P.E sessions to encourage the students to engage in the activity daily and as well give confidence to those that make excuses to remain out of the action. I will motivate the best-performing students in the P.E by giving out rewards such as balls or any other form of motivation that will encourage the poor performers to pull up the socks.
The Equipment and Environment Needed
The environment for such physical exercises can either be in the open fields mostly in the shade to avoid sunburns or in a gymnasium with the necessary equipment, but the gym is somehow limited to certain activities unlike in the outdoors where any event is possible. At the 2nd grade level, specific material is essential for the children aged 7-8 years to efficiently engage in the physical activity which is beneficial to their health including the burning of excess fats in the bodies of some of them. Examples of such equipment include balls, jump ropes, heavy duty balloons, gopher tinikling set, and so on. All in all, the physical activity enabled by the P.E lessons is better for the overall health of a kid as he or she develops into adulthood.
National Standards for K-12 Physical Education Copyright 2013, SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators, 1900 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191, All rights reserved.
Waite, S. (Ed.). (2017). Children learning outside the classroom: From birth to eleven. Sage.