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Read and watch the lecture resources & materials below early in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s).(Note: The citations below are provided for your research convenience. You should always cross reference the current APA guide for correct styling of citations and references in your academic work.)ReadJarvis, C. (2020).Chapter 25Chapter 27Chapter 31Cancer of the Cervix: What Is Your Risk?(Links to an external site.)Elsevier. (n.d.). Cancer of the cervix. Evolve: Jarvis: Physical examination & health assessment, 6th edition – Clinical reference – Health promotion guide. https://coursewareobjects.elsevier.com/objects/elr/Jarvis6e/clinicalreference_health/?ch=26Testicular Cancer: What Is Your Risk? (Links to an external site.)Elsevier. (n.d.). Testicular cancer. Evolve: Jarvis: Physical examination & health assessment, 6th edition – Clinical reference – Health promotion guide. https://coursewareobjects.elsevier.com/objects/elr/Jarvis6e/clinicalreference_health/?ch=24Sexually Transmitted Infection (Links to an external site.)Elsevier. (n.d.). Sexually transmitted infection. Evolve: Jarvis: Physical examination & health assessment, 6th edition – Clinical reference – Health promotion guide. https://coursewareobjects.elsevier.com/objects/elr/Jarvis6e/clinicalreference_health/?ch=26WatchMale Genitalia and Rectum (Links to an external site.)Elsevier. (n.d.). Male genitalia and rectum. Evolve: Jarvis: Physical examination & health assessment, 6th edition – Videos – Assessment[Video]. Elsevier.com. https://coursewareobjects.elsevier.com/objects/elr/Jarvis6e/videos_assessment/?ch=24Female Genitalia and Rectum (Links to an external site.)Elsevier. (n.d.). Female genitalia and rectum. Evolve: Jarvis: Physical examination & health assessment, 6th edition – Videos – Assessment [Video]. elsevier.com. https://coursewareobjects.elsevier.com/objects/elr/Jarvis6e/videos_assessment/?ch=26Supplemental Online Materials & ResourcesHealth_care_policy_for_todays.PDFKennedy-Stewart, S. (2016). Health care policy for today’s nurse: The crucial role you play. MedSurg Nursing, 25(4), 11-12.Presidential Call to Action 2017-2019 (Links to an external site.)Sigma. (n.d.). Presidential Call to Action 2017-2019. https://www.sigmanursing.org/why-sigma/about-sigma/2015-2017-board-of-directors/beth-baldwin-tigges/presidential-call-to-action-2017-2019Texting that saves lives | Nancy Lublin | TED Talks 2012TED. (2012, April 27). Nancy Lublin: Texting that saves lives [Video file]. https://youtu.be/LiUClSItcy0GenitaliaIdentify and explain positions other than the lithotomy in which a pelvic examination can be performed.Why are women at a higher risk of UTI than males?What would you educate to decrease the risk of UTI?Summarize the pros and cons of newborn circumcision.Describe the following signs on a female examination:GoodellHegar’sMcDonald’sChadwickName the characteristics of the following type of hernias:Indirect inguinalDirect inguinalFemoralSubmission Instructions:Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in proper current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

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