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Assignment 5.2: Using Hyphens Appropriately

Using Hyphens Appropriately


  • Use the hyphen correctly in spelling
  • Describe the proper use of hyphens


In this practice exercise, you explore examples of hyphens.


Answers to exercise questions

Step 1 Correct the following paragraph.

Insert or delete hyphens as needed in the following paragraph:

  • 1 Attending College in New York City can be pretty scary, especially for a small-town girl from Des Moines, Iowa. 2 Since I am studying nursing, I decided to join Scorpions for Smiles, a student-volunteer-group that visits children who spend a-lot of time in the hospital wards for recovery or treatment purposes. 3 It’s a great feeling knowing that a sick or hurting child is benefiting from my time and up-beat attitude. 4 The last time I visited, I brought coloring supplies so that Amy, the eight year old patient I usually spend time with, and I could draw pictures for her family. 5 Amy is a very well known patient; she is always playing practical jokes on the nurses and doctors! 6 When I went visited with my student group this past week, Amy wasn’t there because she had an X-ray scheduled. 7 I left her a note with some crayons so that she could color after the procedure. 8 Next week is her birth-day. 9. I won’t be visiting that day, but when I do, I’ll bring two plain t shirts to decorate with paints and markers. 10 The corner store near my dorm has cake-mix for only ninety nine cents! 11. I’ll bring a cake for Amy and-the-rest of her friends, too!

Step 2 Save and submit your assignment.

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