
WEEK 4: TRANSLATING RESEARCH INTO PRACTICEPlease review the following resources.IHME (2017). The global burden of disease. U.S. Burden of Disease Collaborators. The State of U.S. Health, 1990–2016 Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Among U.S. States (2018). JAMA, 319(14), 1444–1472. one of the leading causes of the global/US burden of disease that is prevalent in your patient population or is prevalent in your community. Conduct a search for three randomized control trials (RCT) addressing an intervention to ease the burden of disease.Identify the database source of each RCT.Formulate a brief evidence synthesis of the three-selected RCTs. Include the main points of the selected sources and the relationship between the sources. Remember, an evidence synthesis is more than an evidence summary.As a DNP practice scholar, describe how will you disseminate information to impact the point of care?

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