reflexive self assessment
This reflective assessment gives you the opportunity to look backward, forward, and inward as you think through your personal history with writing and reading, both in school and out of of school. Select from among the prompts you see below to generate this first document for your final ePortfolio.
Requirements: 300 words minimum, multimodal
Guiding Prompts: You do not need to address all of the following prompts and questions, select those you find useful.
-Your Writing Process: Describe the central strategies of your writing process. When and how did you learn them? How have they changed over time and what experiences have been most influential to you? How do you expect to use them in WR39C? Explain and use examples.
-You and university: How have your experiences in your writing classes at university influenced your personal history as a writer in academic contexts? Has the WR39 series of courses influenced your ability to make effective choices about how to approach writing assignments in other classes? Assignments such as lab reports, business memos, blue book exams, short response papers, and any other examples of writing you have been assigned in here at university? In other words, have you applied what you learned in the WR 39 series to writing assignments in other classes? Have other classes and assignments influenced your writing process; if so, which ones? Please explain using specific examples.
-Your Writing Outside of School: Has the WR39 series of courses influenced the strategies you use when you write or communicate outside of school, perhaps in your communities or in your extra-curricular activities? Are you using the same strategies in different contexts as you consider the demands of different situations, both in school and out? If so, please explain why, and give examples.