a 5 pages essay will explain how chicanx femmes and other woc have historically been integral to racialized resistance through each of the three histories of chicana latina resistance and critique listed below

This essay consists of a 5-pages essay (not include works cited in this 5 pages), must be original, no plagiarism. require to utilize 5 readings. There are 5 reading I attached in this post, You must use this 5 of them as a source in this essay. Be careful to NOT overuse direct quotations. You must include a complete Works Cited page and in-text citations.


The goal of this essay is to show critical thinking and course engagement. For this essay you must utilize the course readings as your primary support and evidence, and properly cite those readings using MLA citation format. You will be required to utilize minimum 4 different authors in your essay. A strong essay will typically utilize 5-7 readings and be no shorter than 4.5 pages. Be careful to NOT overuse direct quotations. This essay must focus on analysis and contain mostly your own words. You are also free to utilize course lecture notes or films we viewed in class as support, but these lecture/film citations will NOT count toward your minimum 4 author citations. You must include a complete Works Cited page and in-text citations. Please save your document with your name in the file name and include page numbers.

– The essay will engage deeply with the course readings to develop and support your thesis. Outside sources will not be needed or accepted for this exam.

– The essay will be concise and thoughtful. It will have a solid and detailed thesis and contain well-supported analysis. All sources will be properly cited in MLA format.

– The essay will be no longer than 5 pages, excluding Works Cited and MLA headings.

– The essay will be double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman (1″ margins).

– If you do not know MLA or do not own an MLA style guide you can view one at the following website: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01…

– Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

The prompt asks you to write about forms of Chicana/Latina resistance, also naming three specific forms of resistance which you must address in your essay.


The key theme of this class has been racialized gender and women of color’s resistance to femicide and marginalization under white heteropatriarchy. We’ve discussed:

  1. The practical role of women as labor leaders, their specific exploitations in the workforce, and their relegation to the domestic sphere
  2. The wounded poetics of Chicana subjectivity and the construction of Chicana feminist critiques to Chicanx nationalism
  3. The absence of women’s voices from the archive and the claiming of Chicana/Latina existence against the erasure of WOC’s pains/voices/desires

For this final essay, you will explain how Chicanx femmes and other WOC have historically been integral to racialized resistance through each of the three histories of Chicana/Latina resistance and critique listed above. In order to do so, you must first explain the specific conditions of heteropatriarchy and white supremacy that women of color have responded to in the United States. Second, engage in a detailed analysis of at least three specific examples of Chicanx/Latinx women’s resistance as it has shaped/reshaped Chicanismo. Pay specific attention to the interactions between capital, law, and ideology as racializing/gendering forces, and the various ways Chicanx/Latinx femmes have responded to these forces.

**Please follow the format of the rubric ie) an intro, 3 BODY PARAGRAPHS, and a small conclusion to sum things up.


Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntro Thesis StatementIs the thesis statement specific and detailed? Does it take a concrete position? Does it respond directly to the prompt without simply restating it?

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody 1: Argument & EvidenceDoes the student’s writing address the prompt directly? Are they utilizing course content for support, while still including their own voice and analysis? Does the essay provide historical and geographical context, as well as engaging in an analysis that utilizes key concepts from Chicanx studies? Does the student show a thorough engagement with the class and an ability to think critically?

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody 2: Argument & EvidenceDoes the student’s writing address the prompt directly? Are they utilizing course content for support, while still including their own voice and analysis? Does the essay provide historical and geographical context, as well as engaging in an analysis that utilizes key concepts from Chicanx studies? Does the student show a thorough engagement with the class and an ability to think critically?

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody 3: Argument & EvidenceDoes the student’s writing address the prompt directly? Are they utilizing course content for support, while still including their own voice and analysis? Does the essay provide historical and geographical context, as well as engaging in an analysis that utilizes key concepts from Chicanx studies? Does the student show a thorough engagement with the class and an ability to think critically?

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall Clarity & CohesionIs the essay well organized? Does the student utilize topic sentences or transitionary statements to provide flow? Does the student answer the prompt clearly, directly, and completely in their essay? Is there a meaningful conclusion?

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling & GrammarWas the essay proof-read? Is the grammar up to collegiate standards? Does the student appear to have made a real effort for their writing level?

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWorks CitedDoes it have a complete, MLA style Works Cited? is it properly formatted? Are all quotations and paraphrasing cited in-text?

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting1” margins, 12 point font, Times New Roman, page numbers

1.0 pts

Total Points: 25.0

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